Tuesday, July 2, 2013



It can be boldly told: Tigsik is as Bikol as the far-famed Mayon Volcano, as the sought after candied pili nuts, as the delicately strapped pinangat, as the sultry bikol express, as the passionate Sarong Banggi, as the romantic pantomina . . . as Bikol as Bikol.

What is often mistaken for a rawit-dawit is actually not one but it should essentially be for it bears the characteristics of poetry and the idiosyncracies of poets—their sweetness of tongue, their adeptness with metaphorical thought. It is more than a rawit-dawit. It is a game that can be played only by the spirited and those who can tether the spirit. It is entertaining and chastening, lighthearted but sound-minded, fun but fastidious. And it is . . . as Bikol as Bikol. Tigsik of the Bikols bares why.

While there is no shortage of attempts to tigsik away drudgery and tigsik forth day dreams in the wilderness of a bond paper or in the roar of a fiesta event, much remains to be desired as to how this native and unique oral literature has to be performed and fashioned. Not everyone is aware that it is a mind-and-mouth game to be played by contending parties whose success or failure depends on the appreciation of a crowd.

Tigsik is indigenous and heterogenous. It is something Bikol and everything Bikol. It is a tradition that does not deserve to be consigned to reminiscence. It is a peculiar ingredient in the Bikolano’s pride of culture.

Tigsik of the Bikols is a must read for Bikolanos. No Tigsik study of this kind has been undertaken. And while gaps to be filled are bared between lines, here now is a platform to stand on to reach out for more fillers. Let Tigsik bloom and boom! -RB

(Blurb for TIGSIK OF THE BIKOLS, Banzuela, Belgica & Guanzon, Legazpi City, J & E Printing Press, 2011)

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